Risk Management in Procurement (Session 5)

ISM-Houston's Professional Development Series on Risk ManagementSamir Ajabli, Senior Manager (Category Management) with SABIC, continues our Professional Development webinar series on Risk Management in Procurement.After each session, slides will...

Sound Healing Meditation

BUFFALO BAYOU PARK CISTERN 105 Sabine Street, Houston

Find your center and practice meditation in the spacious and tranquil Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern. Offered in collaboration with Union is Creation, this meditation series will feature the use...


Buffalo Bayou Park Wellness Walk

THE WATER WORKS 105 Sabine Street, Houston

Join Buffalo Bayou Partnership on a free Wellness Walk led by Laura Conely, founder of Urban Paths. Anyone and everyone is invited to walk through the paths of Buffalo Bayou Park while discussing topics including mental and physical health as well as the benefits of being exposed to nature.