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The Sun in the Sanctuary

May 12 @ 9:30 pm10:45 pm

The [Church & Society](https://www.saintphilip.net/Church_andSociety.html) class at St. Philip Presbyterian Church in the Uptown area presents Bruce Yaeger in a talk about the relationship between science and religion.

Description: “Few people today know that centuries ago, several churches in Europe installed into their stone floors lines to mark the passage of the sun through the course of a year.

“Why was that done? And why did that practice decline?

“This presentation will answer those questions, revealing how Christianity and science have at times been deeply intertwined and mutually supportive. It will also explain the theological assumptions underlying those lines in sanctuary floors, as well as the enduring Christian meanings discerned in the regular course of the sun.”

**Bruce Yaeger** has been a teacher and lecturer at diverse churches for over thirty-five years. He is the author of two books: *Wrestling Brothers: Rethinking Religion-Science Relationships*, and *Spirited Bodies Beneath the Stars: Science & Spirituality Together*.

The presentation will be held in Room 201 (second floor) of the Education Wing of the church.

Ken Fountain will act as Event Host.


May 12
9:30 pm – 10:45 pm


Saint Philip Presbyterian Church
4807 San Felipe St
Houston, TX 77056 United States