AM 2022 Artist Alley now features 10×10 ft booths with a table and chairs.
- Commercial (licensed) items are not allowed, nor are direct reproductions of work that is not the artist`s own. The Artist Alley provides full tables and 2 chairs. Due to safety issues, there may only be four persons behind a full table at any given time.
- The Artist Alley is all about the promotion of creative works – please, use your best judgment in what you bring and sell! Prints, independently-produced comics/doujinshi, commissioned drawings, and independently-produced small merchandise are all permissible. Charging for services outside these realms will not be allowed.
- Anime Matsuri has a No Refund policy for tables. If you do not check in by 11AM on the first day of the event, your table will be forfeited and canceled. Walk-in registration for Artist Alley is not allowed. Set up is only allowed on Friday after you check in. Artists may NOT start setting up on Thursday.
- Sharing and splitting of tables is strictly prohibited. Only a maximum of two (2) tables may be purchased per company/artist.
- Artists are not obligated to remain at their tables for the duration at the convention, but it is strongly suggested that artists not leave any belongings unsupervised. Anime Matsuri and convention staff are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items. Creative displays are allowed, but may not take up space in the walkway or infringe another artist`s space. It is suggested that displays be easy to collapse and transport.
- Adult-themed art is permissible in the Artist Alley, but must not be directly visible to passers-by. Artists may display a sign that advertises an adult-themed portfolio, but may not show or sell adult material to anyone below 18 years of age. Artists are expected to act according to the Con Rules that apply to all Anime Matsuri attendees. Please treat fellow artists with consideration and respect.
- Due to the increasing size of the Artist Alley and Convention, we will not provide electricity to the Artist Alley. Anyone requiring power can get it directly from the convention center, at check-in.
- For any questions, please email the Artist Alley Director at For More information please visit
Refunds and Additional Badges
- Up to 3 Additional Artist Alley badges may be purchased
- Transfers of tables are NOT allowed.
- There are NO refunds for 2022