Brandon Towle

Brandon Towle

Obsessed with improving Human Performance and solutions to retain Top Talent


At 16-years old Brandon Towle knew at the core of his being he was supposed to be a leader of leaders. But, he was largely for himself. He knew it, and so did everyone else around him, which greatly limited his ability to function to his fullest.

Instead of working to realize what it was truly like to be on the other side of him, his approach was to work harder and gain enough professional credibility to earn a seat at the table. Buried by the “hustle” fallacy, the bottom fell out. This desire for personal achievement negatively impacted some of his key relationships. As painful as this part of his journey was it really helped to clarify his personal purpose.

His military experience in the U.S. Coast Guard and vast professional experience working within marine operations and the energy sector exposed Brandon to various types of leaders, leadership styles and cultures. It also provided an earthy, grittiness of organizations to accompany his book knowledge Organizational Development.

Brandon has global experience in talent optimization and inclusive leadership across various sectors and within many cultures. He is currently the Owner and Chief Performance Officer of Yielded Consulting Services “Yielded”.

Brandon has never been clearer on his personal purpose. He is healthy, secure and for OTHERS.

Personal Purpose Statement – “Help leaders clarify and begin living in their unique Purpose, proactively combat the need to prove their worth, challenge them to love and engage with their families and lead teams/organizations where people holistically thrive.“ 

Chief Performance Officer with Yielded Consulting

Yielded’s vision is “Improving the marketplace for good; one leader (starting with me), one team and one organization at a time.”

We start with bench-marking your current reality and identifying any performance barriers. Then develop a highly customized solution with practical and easy to implement steps to immediately help you, your team or organization improve.

Foundational services:
• Hiring and retention strategies
• Individual performance coaching (i.e 1:1 executive coaching)
• Management training
• Team and organizational consulting
• Strategy design
• Business processes design, implementation and improvement

You can learn more by visiting our website:

12 Months of Coaching based on your Personality type and Five Voices

Most people wake up excited about the day and eager to make an impact, put on their best outfit, sing along to their favorite hype song on the morning commute and say a quick prayer for a successful and gratifying day of work before heading into the office to start their day – only to be immediately struck with unsettledness as they enter the walls their organization. They suddenly begin to doubt themselves and how they best contribute to a team. Insecure, they are left wondering where they stand with their boss and colleagues – fearful they may be caught up in the next rounds of layoffs.

The outcome of this is all too common in workplace culture with mediocre productivity, nominal creativity and lack of organizational loyalty. It also results in most teams functioning at only 60% of their potential capacity.

The best leaders work to know themselves. They strive to be humble, confident and secure. They thrive when they have taken the time to understand what truly makes them who they are today. Leaders go first, even when it’s uncomfortable, and are willing to go the extra mile for people.

Most people can navigate major decisions, but it’s the seemingly smaller and insignificant choices where leaders daily loose influence. They are adept at deciphering personal motives in decision-making and abstain from acting on them to yield better results.

Organizations flourish when their leaders also know their people at this depth. They have created and communicated a compelling vision, reinforce a clear and simple strategy and each team member knows their role and how their efforts contribute to the overall success.

Yielded is a professional and objective perspective to evaluate where you are currently at in your journey and what changes you, your team, or your organization can immediately make to improve performance.

We’re the needed push to help you go first. After all, you weren’t made to be average.

Learn more about Brandon Towle, Yielded’s Chief Performance Officer, using the button below. LEARN MORE


Binge worthy content to help you improve performance and lead performers.

An on demand leadership development platform to support the growth of leaders, teams and organizations.

Access levels:

  • “Ascend” (FREE) -> Improve Individual Performance
    • 5 Voices Assessment, Voice Channel, Leadership Toolkit and 500+ hour of content
  • “Invincible Teams” (starts at $49/month) -> Improve team/organizational performance (starts at $49/month)
    • Everything in Ascend
    • Plus, access to other members 5 Voices, live Team 360, and people leader “Sherpa” development track with ability to monitor progress
  • “Accelerate” ($199/month) – Intended for internal talent development or coaches/consultants
    • Everything in “Ascend” and “Invincible Teams”
    • Plus training and certification in GiANT’s 5 Voices System and 100X Leader, the necessary resources to build leadership programming and readily implement concepts/tools, and access to 500+ global coaches/consultants

Substantial discount available for Public/Non-profit leaders.

Click here to start improving your performance today. GIANT TV

In order to get you to the next level, we need to know where you are currently at in your journey.

We use proven criteria to evaluate the performance of a leader, team or organization, no matter the context (i.e. culturally based or as a result of sector influence).  

This objective assessment helps us to identify any barriers, both people and organizational, inhibiting you from operating at your fullest potential and construct a customized performance improvement plan.


Individual ⟶

Imagine a space where you can be fully known; you are not competing and with relational accountability.

The objectives of our individual performance coaching is to help you truly understand what makes you who you are today through the lenses of personality, experience and perspective.

We utilize some of the most reliable and credible personality assessments to help individuals better understand their strengths, limitations, behavior under stress and how they best function as a leader of or within a team setting.

Even the best athletes in the world have a coach. This outside perspective is even more critical when it comes to your performance in the game of life.

Team or Organization ⟶

Your people are your distinguishing factor, but they’re also the most complex element of your organization.

The world is becoming increasingly smaller and diversity of perspective has never been more of a competitive advantage. How you take people with different personalities, experiences and perspectives to efficiently work together towards a common vision is crucial to remaining relevant in today’s marketplace.

Our team and organization consulting uses elements from our individual performance methodology, combined with your unique business strategy requirements.

We’ve found performance challenges can be personalities, but they can also include hiring practices, roles or organizational structural.

Strategic Partnerships

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Equity For All

“The late, great John Lewis said it best, “Do not get lost in a sea of despair, be hopeful, be optimistic.” The partnership between Yielded Consulting Services and EPIC Collaborative Advisors is anchored on the hope to make a difference for organizations in the areas of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and to see an impactful change to strengthen and sustain us all. EPIC is honored to have the opportunity to collaborate in this important work focusing on the betterment of humanity.” – Arquella Hargrove, CEO Epic Collaborative Advisors


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Talent Optimization Combined with Human-centric and Values-based Recruiting

“Talent Optimization is the next level of search and placement for Core Group Resources. Not only do we personally match a candidate to a job skill set and with a client, but now we can ensure they have the behavioral aptitude to perform at the highest level, which increases our placement success rate from 75% to >90%.” – Matt Fuhrman, CEO Core Group Resources



Organization’s Preferred Provider of Leadership and People Development

“The Women’s Energy Network is excited to partner with Yielded as another avenue for our members to receive access to world-class development resources and coaching to help them get to the next level in their Leadership Journey. Yielded takes the time to get to know the individuals, tailors the program to their specific needs and creates a flexible and inviting environment for them to learn. Our members who have participated are hungry for more and when asked, said they would not hesitate to recommend this program to others.” – Kara Byrne, WEN National Program Director. LEARN MORE